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  • Writer's pictureDominic Konareski

Doug Coby Wins At Riverhead / Full Race Recap

The Whelen Modified Tour went to the Riverhead Raceway today after having the race rained out yesterday. On the pole for the Buzz Chew Cadillac Chevrolet 200 was the no.51 car of Justin Bonsignore, overall though coming into this race we have Patrick Emerling as the points leader. This was the Whelen Modified Tour's second time at Riverhead this season as the field was geared up for the fathers day race. The race was set for 200 laps, but those 200 laps fly by faster than a tornado in Oklahoma.

On the drop of the green we had the entire field bottle up which would lead to a caution due to a car stopped on the track along with a flat tire. On lap 31 the yellow flew again and under yellow we saw Craig Lutz get turned into the wall collecting several other cars, overall this was the effect of a bottleneck. After a very long caution we went back racing on lap 45 with Justin Bonsignore leading.

On lap 54 Doug Coby would take the lead after riding side by side with Bonsignore for several laps. On lap 65 a car was stopped in turn no.1 with a flat tire and the no.36 of Dave Sapienza had no where to go as his car collided with the stopped car, also involved was Eric Goodale in the no.58. This crash would bring out the red flag due to where it occurred and the amount of clean up that had to be done. At 1:31pm the red was lifted and the field went under yellow, so far up to the stoppage it was Justin Bonsignore who really had control of the race despite him being passed by Coby. Restarting on lap 72 Doug Coby would get a great jump into turn one and by the next lap he had about a two car length lead, the green flag did not last long though as Woody Pitkat spun out.

Going on lap 100/200 it would be Doug Coby with a multiple car lead over Ron Silk in the no. 85 as Justin Bonsignore got shuffled outside of the top10. Justin Bonsignore was on the comeback as on lap 140 J.B was in p4.

On lap 150 we have seen solid side by side racing and so far at this point the points leader Patrick Emerling has not left the top 10. With 41 laps to go lapped traffic became a big part of the race, slowing and blocking cars on the lead lap. With 25 laps to go we still had Doug Coby out front, Coby who missed the last race to compete in the SRX Series was on the way to the win. With 20 to go Justin Bonsignore passed Ron Silk for p3 and set his eyes on p2 Patrick Emerling. With 10 laps to go Coby had a commanding lead on Emerling as Coby continued to move through lapped traffic. Going on the white flag lap it would be Coby leading as Doug Coby gets the win at the Riverhead Raceway!

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